SEPTEMBER 26, 2023
Live Virtual Event
Do you live in or around Tampa, Florida?
You Can STILL Make Massive Amounts of Money Investing in Real Estate, With Little To No Money Out of Pocket


Tony worked in the corporate world as a Director of Quality when he first moved to Hawaii in 1997. With multiple degrees under his belt he was bound to help the companies he worked for achieve success. However, that was not enough for him and his family.

He 2015 he started investing in Real Estate and he since been known as a master of investing, even when the economy is in the worst of times. He now shows people how easy it can be to invest in real estate, even if you have no experience and little to no money to get started.

Imagine for a moment if you were to learn how to invest like this master of investment in real estate knows how.

SPEAKING TOPIC: The Beginners Guide to Investing in Real Estate, Even If you Don't Have Money


Bill has over 20 years experience in the real estate investor that has been active in the real estate rental market for over 20 years. He knows how to make the best of the markets regardless of whether they are considered good or bad.

He strategizes his rental portfolios bought at deep discounts that can cashflow for years to come. You NEED to learn from this man who continues to crush it in the real estate investment game regardless of a good or bad market.

SPEAKING TOPIC: Wealth Creation and Cash Flow In Real Estate Versus Income

Why You Should Postpone the Birthday Party, Reschedule Your Dentist Appointment, and Hire a Babysitter (or Pet Sitter) for September 26th…

In other words, why you should do WHATEVER it takes to


I know what you're thinking, you are thinking that you're tired of hearing "Try this strategy, it works" or "Don't use that one, it doesn't work", then "Whoops, here's a new one"

It's got you on the "feeling overwhelmed train" and ready to give up or ready to try something completely new.

Well, we are going to show you the COMPLETE path to success and happiness in your real estate venture or get started in that venture.

If you want to leave your frustration, your confusion and your stuckness in the past, then allow us to take you on the path to success at The Real Estate Invest Tampa Event.

If you still hunger for success and you KNOW you were meant for more than this... believe that you can make sure current business work, but not sure how to put the puzzle pieces together

Be Here.

We will show you how you can become more powerful, build confidence, grow your business and have the happiness you always dreamed of.

Yet, There Are Some Seriously Deeper Reasons YOU Should Clear Your Calendar and Be With Us September 15-16th

  • If you want to FEEL powerful again; like...remember that time when you first discovered your business or coaching or marketing and you were full of dreams and hope and felt like THIS was finally the way you were going to make it...
  • If you are sick and tired of the way things are going or you just need a boost to your mindset and business...
  • ​If you are tired of seeing the same income, the same debts, the same negativity and that same feeling that "I can do better than this or I am better than this"...
  • This is when you stand up, commit and finally say...

"It is time to Upgrade, I am Committed to my success

  • We are here to help you get there and we want to see you succeed.
  • We are in this together and we are here to help you grow...together
  • ​If you wake up each day overwhelmed by the stress of your clients or not having the time to truly be free or have the balance and happiness in your life....
  • ​Give us the permission to show you the way...

Before You Go Any Further, Let Me Give You 3 Good Reasons NOT to Attend This Event

  • You are not really serious about being a real estate investor or really don't want to be happy and financially independent...that you quite frankly deserve.
  • The opinions of your peers, your friends, your family, and your spouse matter more than what you know DEEP inside your mind and soul.
  • You are stuck in your "Comfort Zone" and don't want to make any changes to make things better in your life or business moving forward.
  • ​....then it might be best for you not to attend

Of course, if you can identify with any of these 3 reasons not to attend, you might actually be somebody who will benefit the MOST!

If you make the effort to attend you will find that this event is the perfect vehicle for you to find your freedom and happiness.

More importantly, your mindset will shift and you’ll begin to break free of your limiting beliefs so that you can achieve a higher level of success than you ever thought possible!

What You Can Expect

Inspiring Speakers

You have speakers that have been where you are and will help you find that next level. They will help you overcome limiting beliefs, find your confidence and give you the tools, tips and secrets to invest in real estate like a champ and find the wealth you deserve.

Actionable Content

As someone that wants to take the next steps to their success and happiness whether it is becoming a real estate investor or just trying to find a path out of the grind, this content will leave you with steps to take NOW to get there.

Great Conversations

You will be connecting with some of the most wonderful people in the world that you will want to network with. There will be lifelong connections made that will change your live for the better forever. These will be friends you will want to surround yourself with for years.

Stop Waiting, You have Put in the Time
It is Time for YOU to Shine NOW!

Isn't it time for you to stop being held hostage by your fears?

Isn't it time for you to start being the person you want to see in the mirror?

I have hand selected the exact speakers to help you in your transformation.

Our goal is for at least 50% of those that attend this event to be able to create the 6 or 7 figure real estate or other business of their dreams in the next 12 months.

I’d love it if you were one of these people.

That’s why we're going to show you the exact processes that are transferable that anyone can follow to totally change your life and totally change your results!

The Real Estate Invest Tampa event is the perfect combination of strategic mindset steps.
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